Who We Are
Envision Pass is an affordable online tutoring service that seeks to enhance the skills and knowledge of social workers through highly effective education of topics and content relevant to their profession. We specialize in preparation for ASWB licensing exam and continuing education. We help social workers who are taking their Bachelors, Masters, and Clinical Level exam.
What We Do
We are dedicated to assisting social workers who are taking the ASWB exam for the first time or struggling to pass. We provide one-on-one tutoring sessions, group sessions, and webinar workshops. We work closely with each customer, making sure that they have the knowledge and confidence to pass the ASWB licensing exam.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help customers pass the ASWB licensing exam. We provide a learning environment for our customers which includes effective study strategies and customized tutoring sessions to fit each individual. We believe our tutoring services can help customers conquer exam challenges which will ultimately help them realize their social work career aspirations.
Our Vision
Our vision is to instill confidence in social workers and assist them in passing the ASWB licensing exam. We will understand and respond to the needs of our customers, focus on recruiting qualified tutors, commit to providing excellent tutoring services, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
Join us; we are excited to be with you on your journey towards becoming a licensed social worker. Remember, we are here to support and guide you towards your success.